YouTube Tuesday: 60 Years of Racing
A race car starts in Rome and tools around various worldwide locations, evolving as it goes. Gorgeous film making, incredible pulse-quickening race-car sound.
A 2-minute thrill ride for the eyes, ears, and imagination.
YouTube Tuesday: I Wanna Be Sedated
Neat little video, too . . . The Ramones calmly sitting there while everything goes nuts around them. Would that I could've been the one sitting calmly while everything went haywire today. Maybe next time I'll be luckier.
Soap Opera

1. Finally I've caught up with My reading and, while everything's different of course, everything's the same, or at least similar. More on that below.
2. I've removed the dead blogs and the gone blogs by the link list . . . sadly, I see that Brazen Brunette either was hacked or deleted her blog and gave the account away -- a single post in a foreign language now sits where Brazen's riveting, wrenching entries used to reside. Last I had read she seemed to be doing better -- I sincerely hope that she still is doing well and that losing the blog was a natural step in her progress and not a sign of something having gone wrong.
3. Using a feed reader made catching up convenient and and at the same time slightly horrifying . . . all that, all at once, from so many different sources.
But in the end it all works out . . . the big soap opera that is the blogosphere rolls on. Things do change, as they must, but the bigger thing, the community that no one will admit to belonging to, remains. Pieces slide in, pieces drop off, or change their shape, their frequency of appearance, but the whole morphs in tiny increments, just like the "real thing."
And when I say "soap opera," don't get Me wrong -- there is not a hint of negativity or condescension in that phrase. It's a soap opera, and that's a truly wonderful thing, because unlike an actual soap opera it's not only an escape, but entertaining and informative as well. It is something we create, out of whole cloth, out of the fabric of our lives and experience, and maintain. We learn from it, grow with it, change it or kill it when it no longer works.
It is . . . alive, and we make it live. Sometimes it's healthy to stop and not take for granted how amazingly cool that is.
YouTube Tuesday: The Perfect Pop Song (Tearjerker Division)
I can't listen to this song all the way through without crying . . . and a talented youtuber set the song to a collection of clips from Gilmore Girls, and it's well, perfect.
Happy Anniversary

Milestones are deceiving things, sometimes, in that they can lead us to focus on the wrong thing, i. e., what's gone before as opposed to what's to come. The latter is always more important. I learn from the past (hopefully), but I'm not beholden to or trapped by it. Numbers and dates are important to recognize and remember but in the end the most important number is the next one, the most important day, today.
Happy anniversary, tasha. I love you, more than ever. And thank you for your love, service, and devotion, for the past year, and before. And for all the days to come.
YouTube Tuesday: The Perfect Pop Song (Power Pop Division)
The winner is "Did It In A Minute" by Hall and Oates. I could have picked "Private Eyes" or "Kiss On My List" or any number of other H&O masterpieces, but "Did It In A Minute" for Me, is the best of the lot.
[Note: You'll notice that this video doesn't come from youtube. "YouTube Tuesday" I hereby declare "Web Video Tuesday." I'll still call it YouTube Tuesday because it has a better ring to it.
"Well I still can't say I know
When a love is real or touch and go
And if two can be one
Who is the one two becomes oh oh
Am I quick enough to see
When I'm ready and it's right for me
I say, I say, I say, I say that I want it
(I think so anyway)
Everybody always laughs at love
But what they want is to be proven wrong
Then you came along
Oh you did it
You did it, you did it, you did it
You did it in a minute
I know you did it
You did it, you did it, you did it
You did it in a minute"
It's Not Like Signing Up For A Gym Membership
The entire contract thing is tricky in one sense since these contracts, being legally unenforceable, lack the ultimate hammer (i. e., legal recourse) and thus ultimately lose much of their potential force. But they are important and I'm sure in most cases feel "enforceable" in emotional terms (and certainly can have emotional consequences). So the area is interesting and important in this realm.
thisgirl proposes a "Dom contract" that goes like this:
I agree to be your dominant.
I agree to look after you and to not abuse the control you have given me and the trust you have put in me.
I want to help develop and nurture your submission and help you understand this side of yourself.
I want to control you without taking over your life or ruining the parts of you that make you the woman I love.
I will never make you feel worthless or put you down. Though i cant promise not to say ‘your bum looks big in that’ because I will always be honest with you.
I will always be imaginative and inventive and most of all devious.
I will torture your body and push it to your limits but not overstep your boundaries.
I will keep the play interesting and not let it get boring or stale.
I will *never* wear a leather waistcoat, a flogger on my belt or parade around topless in fetish clubs but do my best to make *us* look and feel good.
I will show off my property and be proud always that you belong to me.
I will use you for my pleasure but make sure you get pleasure back (unless you’ve been really bad!)
I will loving control your body, your orgasms and your mind.
I will love you when you are bad just as much as when you’re obedient.
In return i want :-
Your submission
Your obedience
Your love
I want to share my fantasies with you and most of all to have fun and be happy together.
she then asks: "So . . . would he sign it?"
My answer to that is "I don't know if He would sign it but what submissive wouldn't?And that's My problem.
thisgirl points out that these contracts are "relatively one-sided." Exactly. They're supposed to be. The relationship is inherently unequal. Master/Mistress and slave are "equal" as human beings, they are equal under the Constitution and the law, but they are not, in the terms that these contracts seek to address, in any way equal. That such contracts have no legal enforceability under US law emphasizes the point that the contract describes (and seeks to maintain) a state of affairs that is not equal. The quid pro quo aspect of typical contracts does not apply.
So for the submissive there has to be some "risk" in signing the contract, some area or factor(s) that leave at least a hint of uncomfortableness. Without that element the contract feels like a cubic zirconium engagement ring: important perhaps as a symbol but of extremely limited value.
All the usual disclaimers apply: If you submit when you feel like it, if you are casual play partners, if your Dom/me gives off weird psychokiller vibes, etc., then signing a contract isn't on the menu. Presumably, if the parties are at the point of contract signing, the "worthiness" of the Dominant is a settled question.
So, while I can't speak for any other Dominant, I wouldn't sign the contract thisgirl proposes.