Discipline and Motivation and the X Factor

One blog I look at regularly is Submissive Journal Prompts.

Every week there, luna posts five questions/topics/quotes, intended to spur the reader for the reader's own journal. I find it's handy not just for submissives -- I use it to sometimes get unblocked.

This week, the following quote is listed:
The secret of discipline is motivation. When [one] is sufficiently motivated, discipline will take care of itself.” -Sir Alexander Paterson

Taken at the first level, that's certainly true. Many of us have experienced the phenomenon as children, with musical instruments. I liked playing the piano, so practicing wasn't an issue -- My mother never had to nag Me about practicing. I had many friends who went through every instrument in the orchestra and failed at all of them because they were being forced to do it by well-meaning parents. Almost no amount of cajoling can overcome a lack of desire.

It's the same in D/s. If a girl is a bratty bottom, let's say, no amount of punishment or lecturing is going to make her into a submissive (and will likely be counterproductive). she will either become something other than she is as a natural consequence of time and experience, or she won't.

So on the level of raw desire, yes, certainly motivation creates discipline. We are drawn to what we like and want.

Taking up the case of Me and the piano again, My devoting time to practicing wasn't an issue, but a funny thing happened. I never really got very good and over time My interest eventually waned and disappeared. This was frustrating and hurtful because My desire to play well was no less than it had been; I just ended up feeling as though I wasn't capable of it, that perhaps I lacked the appropriate artistic temperament or "God-given gifts."

All of which, I later learned, was nonsense. The reason I hit a wall and eventually lost momentum was because I had teachers who did not help Me to practice correctly. Thus much of My practice time was wasted and might even have been hurting My progress. I of course was in no position to understand this at the time, nor were My parents. It was no one's fault -- a classic case of the operating principle of the universe: Stuff Happens.

submission is not so different from learning to play the piano. Desire to succeed fuels the investment in practice time, and the presence of a knowledgeable teacher is extremely important. Not so much (but partially) to ensure that "practice time" is efficiently used, but more to provide a clear and consistent groundwork for the submissive to follow and refer back to. To help the submissive understand that progress is going to be so slow as to sometimes be imperceptible in the short term. To set the submissive back on the path when s/he falters. To not tolerate sloppiness or laziness and to immediately correct those. And to properly reward achievement.

That outside influence, in the piano, in submission, in many other human endeavors, is the X Factor. Motivation may create discipline, but often too late we discover that for long-term success, discipline will sometimes create motivation, and said discipline often must come from outside ourselves.

How terrible, and how absolutely wonderful, is that?


saratoga said...

I rather think that motivation and discipline in a FemDom relationship involve and turn on the relationship.

In my case, I define or see submission as to and with my Domina. Apart from one, or with another, I'm either simply submissively oriented, or a different submissive.

Thus, for me, the Domina, being the leader of the relationship, the one in Whose mind is the roadmap for my submissive development, is crucial and necessary.

I can't just self-motivate. My development as Her submissive requires Her discipline and help with motivation.


Anonymous said...


Motivation=disciple. A simple enough equation. Seems to me 'motivation that endures' is the most challenging aspect. Thus the logical need for an influence beyond ones self, as you suggest, is a need.

Again more insightful wisdom, I am sure your teachers were very proud of you. *smiles*
