For tonight's entry, one of My favorite Monty Python sketches. A silly concept that ends up being much funnier than it should be, due in large measure to Cleese's brilliance.
Let's Talk About Smoking
It's Day 8 of the plan to quit smoking, and the second day without any cigarettes at all, having stepped down sharply over the first 6 days.
Perversely enough, I've found that talking about smoking seems to help rather than make it more difficult.
So, some random observations:
1. What is it with these women (it's always women) who are able to only smoke during Happy Hour? Everyone's been at Happy Hour with one of these girls -- they smoke 17 cigarettes (all bummed of course) over four hours of drinking, then go back to their normal non-smoking lives and don't smoke again until two months later at Happy Hour again. WTF? Someone explain that one to Me. If I wasn't smoking, then smoked that many cigarettes in one night, I'd wake up addicted and pick right up the next day. Sigh.
2. There is one gigantic drawback to quitting smoking. And that is this: People Stink. When you smoke habitually, it dulls your sense of smell to some degree. Only when you stop smoking do you realize that not being able to smell everything all the time is actually a blessing. It's a nasty stinky smelly world out there -- a smoking habit provides a nice little buffer, one that you don't appreciate until it's gone.
3. A little research tells Me that in the early 1960s, a pack of cigarettes and a gallon of gas cost just about the same: 28 cents. There is something quietly romantic about that little factoid.
4. To be honest, I will miss smoking a lot. I understand all the reasons there are to quit, and I know that quitting is absolutely the right thing to do. But I was never a social smoker. I wasn't someone who smoked to have something in My hand. I love it. Certain cigarettes . . . that first one in the morning, the one after a good meal, the one after great sex . . . they're soooooo good. There's no describing them. They can make smoking the moral equivalent of shooting heroin, they can tax it half out of existence, they can restrict it and restrict it and restrict it, they can marginalize smokers all they want, but a lot of people smoke and keep smoking not solely because they're addicted.
5. I do worry about what happens when the pointy-heads do finally make smoking illegal. There are three big issues I see:
A. How will government make up the lost tax revenue? Be prepared to pay a lot more in gasoline and alcohol taxes.
B. Prohibition transformed organized crime groups from local crews that operated neighborhood by neighborhood into global powerhouses who were then able to increase their wealth geometrically again with narcotics. In more recent times the War on Drugs has enriched the cartels beyond anyone's wildest dreams. It's Rule #1: Supply appears in response to demand. Making cigarettes illegal doesn't lessen the demand, and there are plenty of people willing to supply them without having to worry about legal restrictions, quality control, etc. And then the government gets no tax revenues and still has the health-care costs.
C. The tobacco industry employs a lot of Americans. I don't know if the international market will be enough to keep the US tobacco industry going. It's important to remember that even industries we don't like contribute greatly to the economy.
6. OK, very quick very corny very necessary pep talk. If you think you can't quit -- you absolutely can. I know I can, and I am. You can too. Really. I don't have any magic answers but anyone who wants to know how I'm going about it can e-mail and I'll gladly share.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I needed that.
(My tanks to tasha for helping Me develop some of the ideas in this post.) KAHTATUS.
Perversely enough, I've found that talking about smoking seems to help rather than make it more difficult.
So, some random observations:
1. What is it with these women (it's always women) who are able to only smoke during Happy Hour? Everyone's been at Happy Hour with one of these girls -- they smoke 17 cigarettes (all bummed of course) over four hours of drinking, then go back to their normal non-smoking lives and don't smoke again until two months later at Happy Hour again. WTF? Someone explain that one to Me. If I wasn't smoking, then smoked that many cigarettes in one night, I'd wake up addicted and pick right up the next day. Sigh.
2. There is one gigantic drawback to quitting smoking. And that is this: People Stink. When you smoke habitually, it dulls your sense of smell to some degree. Only when you stop smoking do you realize that not being able to smell everything all the time is actually a blessing. It's a nasty stinky smelly world out there -- a smoking habit provides a nice little buffer, one that you don't appreciate until it's gone.
3. A little research tells Me that in the early 1960s, a pack of cigarettes and a gallon of gas cost just about the same: 28 cents. There is something quietly romantic about that little factoid.
4. To be honest, I will miss smoking a lot. I understand all the reasons there are to quit, and I know that quitting is absolutely the right thing to do. But I was never a social smoker. I wasn't someone who smoked to have something in My hand. I love it. Certain cigarettes . . . that first one in the morning, the one after a good meal, the one after great sex . . . they're soooooo good. There's no describing them. They can make smoking the moral equivalent of shooting heroin, they can tax it half out of existence, they can restrict it and restrict it and restrict it, they can marginalize smokers all they want, but a lot of people smoke and keep smoking not solely because they're addicted.
5. I do worry about what happens when the pointy-heads do finally make smoking illegal. There are three big issues I see:
A. How will government make up the lost tax revenue? Be prepared to pay a lot more in gasoline and alcohol taxes.
B. Prohibition transformed organized crime groups from local crews that operated neighborhood by neighborhood into global powerhouses who were then able to increase their wealth geometrically again with narcotics. In more recent times the War on Drugs has enriched the cartels beyond anyone's wildest dreams. It's Rule #1: Supply appears in response to demand. Making cigarettes illegal doesn't lessen the demand, and there are plenty of people willing to supply them without having to worry about legal restrictions, quality control, etc. And then the government gets no tax revenues and still has the health-care costs.
C. The tobacco industry employs a lot of Americans. I don't know if the international market will be enough to keep the US tobacco industry going. It's important to remember that even industries we don't like contribute greatly to the economy.
6. OK, very quick very corny very necessary pep talk. If you think you can't quit -- you absolutely can. I know I can, and I am. You can too. Really. I don't have any magic answers but anyone who wants to know how I'm going about it can e-mail and I'll gladly share.
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I needed that.
(My tanks to tasha for helping Me develop some of the ideas in this post.) KAHTATUS.
Brief (Errr . . . ) Update
1. Big News! For Me, anyway . . . I am into My fifth day of quitting smoking. From close to a pack a day down to three cigarettes yesterday, and today might very well be the "zero" day.
I'm not too cranky, considering. The biggest problems have been the wanting to eat everything in sight and having My sleep/wake cycle completely thrown off. But, it's all temporary and all for the best.
2. The current Lenora X story rolls on . . . with luck (and better alertness) another episode will get posted this weekend. Once again, My thanks to tasha for doing such s great job on the fiction web page. Oh, and yes, will get the older Lenora X stories posted there too . . . soon.
3. I haven't been posting a lot aside from detective story chapters lately, and that's mainly because nothing much inspires Me of late in the D/s theory and philosophy arena. It's odd, but it happens from time to time . . . last night, I surfed blogs for over an hour, starting with My link list and going far afield, reading a lot of posts and comments . . . and finding nothing vaguely inspiring. I don't think it's any sudden decrease in the insightfulness or creativity of My fellow bloggers; it's just that . . . "stuff happens." In the meantime, thankfully, there are the Lenora X stories.
4. I, along with many others, note with sadness the passing of Freya's House of Dreams. I wasn't terribly surprised, I have to admit. Freya's wonderful blog was showing the signs of impending cessation -- her entries had become intermittent, and had a perfunctory feeling about them. I wish her all the best in her endeavors, and will miss her writing there tremendously.
5. OK, I've come to the realization that link-whoring in and of itself it not enough. In looking around at other blogs, and seeing how popular some are, I've come to the conclusion that in addition to consistent and faithful link-whoring, there is an aspect of unselfishness required, and that unselfishness is reflected in having a B.A.L.L. (Big-Assed Link List). Yes, you heard Me right -- maintaining a huge list of links regardless of whether they link back to you or not.
Karmically, it's the right thing to do. Plus, some people just will never link back, either because they don't read their e-mail, they can't be bothered to mess with their template, they don't know how to change their template or are afraid to, since it was done for the person by his or her geek friend.
And it looks mega-cool. And, a lot of links are gong to get reciprocated (and this is difficult for Me to say) without one's link-whoring to get them.
So My goal now is to have a B.A.L.L. That, applied with consistent link-whoring and a few other techniques (to be discussed/revealed in future entries) should have Me well on My way to blog stardom in no time!
6. More soon. As always, My girls please and thrill Me no end . . . I am lucky and blessed to have them. I love you, so much. Here's to the (smoke-free) future.
I'm not too cranky, considering. The biggest problems have been the wanting to eat everything in sight and having My sleep/wake cycle completely thrown off. But, it's all temporary and all for the best.
2. The current Lenora X story rolls on . . . with luck (and better alertness) another episode will get posted this weekend. Once again, My thanks to tasha for doing such s great job on the fiction web page. Oh, and yes, will get the older Lenora X stories posted there too . . . soon.
3. I haven't been posting a lot aside from detective story chapters lately, and that's mainly because nothing much inspires Me of late in the D/s theory and philosophy arena. It's odd, but it happens from time to time . . . last night, I surfed blogs for over an hour, starting with My link list and going far afield, reading a lot of posts and comments . . . and finding nothing vaguely inspiring. I don't think it's any sudden decrease in the insightfulness or creativity of My fellow bloggers; it's just that . . . "stuff happens." In the meantime, thankfully, there are the Lenora X stories.
4. I, along with many others, note with sadness the passing of Freya's House of Dreams. I wasn't terribly surprised, I have to admit. Freya's wonderful blog was showing the signs of impending cessation -- her entries had become intermittent, and had a perfunctory feeling about them. I wish her all the best in her endeavors, and will miss her writing there tremendously.
5. OK, I've come to the realization that link-whoring in and of itself it not enough. In looking around at other blogs, and seeing how popular some are, I've come to the conclusion that in addition to consistent and faithful link-whoring, there is an aspect of unselfishness required, and that unselfishness is reflected in having a B.A.L.L. (Big-Assed Link List). Yes, you heard Me right -- maintaining a huge list of links regardless of whether they link back to you or not.
Karmically, it's the right thing to do. Plus, some people just will never link back, either because they don't read their e-mail, they can't be bothered to mess with their template, they don't know how to change their template or are afraid to, since it was done for the person by his or her geek friend.
And it looks mega-cool. And, a lot of links are gong to get reciprocated (and this is difficult for Me to say) without one's link-whoring to get them.
So My goal now is to have a B.A.L.L. That, applied with consistent link-whoring and a few other techniques (to be discussed/revealed in future entries) should have Me well on My way to blog stardom in no time!
6. More soon. As always, My girls please and thrill Me no end . . . I am lucky and blessed to have them. I love you, so much. Here's to the (smoke-free) future.
YouTube Tuesday: IBlinds
Tonight's clip postulates a future household product based on the interface between your IPod and your window blinds.
Hey, it could happen . . . but don't forget . . .
IBlinds won't work with just any windows, or with just any house, for that matter. IBlinds can only work with IPortals (the word "Windows" was troublesome) as part of the IHouse Live Integration Environmental Design (LIED).
LIED, of course, is not compatible with standard electrical, water, furniture, carpeting, telephone, or broadband hookups. But all are available as add-on accessories. Due to licensing restrictions water and electricity are only authorized for use in one room at a time, although additional licenses are available for purchase on-line or at your nearest Apple Store.
LIED comes with a 6-month warranty, but for warranty service the entire IHouse must be packed up (a box will be provided) and returned to Apple. Note that occupants, pets, heirlooms, and photos of Christmas 2002 should not be sent as they will not be returned.
Enjoy the video, and enjoy the future.
Hey, it could happen . . . but don't forget . . .
IBlinds won't work with just any windows, or with just any house, for that matter. IBlinds can only work with IPortals (the word "Windows" was troublesome) as part of the IHouse Live Integration Environmental Design (LIED).
LIED, of course, is not compatible with standard electrical, water, furniture, carpeting, telephone, or broadband hookups. But all are available as add-on accessories. Due to licensing restrictions water and electricity are only authorized for use in one room at a time, although additional licenses are available for purchase on-line or at your nearest Apple Store.
LIED comes with a 6-month warranty, but for warranty service the entire IHouse must be packed up (a box will be provided) and returned to Apple. Note that occupants, pets, heirlooms, and photos of Christmas 2002 should not be sent as they will not be returned.
Enjoy the video, and enjoy the future.
YouTube Tuesday: Spinal Tap
Tonight's entry is a clip from the brilliant "mockumentary" This Is Spinal Tap, which purports to chronicle the fall and redemption of a band of legendary British Rockers.
In this clip, the band talks about the sucession of drummers that the band has lost to freak accidents and bizarre happenings. I'm not sure what made Me think of Spinal Tap tonight, but I was delighted to find several clips from the movie on youtube.
If you haven't seen it, go rent This Is Spinal Tap right away. It does a tremendous job of hilariously lampooning the pomposity that was arena rock, yet ends up doing do with more than a little love. It's funny and ultimately poignant (well, almost).
In this clip, the band talks about the sucession of drummers that the band has lost to freak accidents and bizarre happenings. I'm not sure what made Me think of Spinal Tap tonight, but I was delighted to find several clips from the movie on youtube.
If you haven't seen it, go rent This Is Spinal Tap right away. It does a tremendous job of hilariously lampooning the pomposity that was arena rock, yet ends up doing do with more than a little love. It's funny and ultimately poignant (well, almost).
Where You Are Is Where You Belong (For Now)
Lady Janon wrote:
"As for me, pet has done a good job of chronicling all of our exploits. I can feel her, the real Domme, lurking beneath a surface, like a tiger behind a thin pane of glass. I just have to figure out how to break through. She paces back and forth, waiting, watching, wanting.
But the thin glass was a steel fortress months ago, so we've definitely come forward. And that is good."
Reading that made Me think of one of the "lectures" I've given My girls, oh, once or 200 times now. Namely, that we are, pretty much, exactly where we should be, at the moment. That simple statement, almost inane in its obviousness, is much more profound than it seems at first glance.
In D/s, perhaps more than in any other field of human endeavor, there's a tendency to worry about where we are versus where we've come to believe we should be. I am not sure if that is because the Internet has made so many people's adventures/stories/philosophies available to a wide readership, or to some factor inherent in the pursuit of D/s. Perhaps an arena where one party by definition gives up control to a greater or lesser degree and wants to be dictated to creates a natural self-imposed competition against some perceived ideal. I honestly don't understand all the underlying dynamics there.
Aspiring to an ideal isn't a bad thing in and of itself, of course. The submissive, hopefully, is geared towards "improving" him- or herself in his or her service and submission to the Dominant. And, certainly, while I can understand and even endorse the idea that there is some objective standard to be aspired to, however loosely defined, in the end each D/s relationship ends up being shaped by individual desires/history/limits etc.
And if that's the case, then we truly are right where we must be at any given moment. We can hardly be otherwise. Where the problems come in, as I see it, are in three areas:
1. Being happy with the fact that we are where we must be right now.
2. Understanding that temporary sidetracks and missteps are just that, temporary.
3. Realizing that the Dominant and the submissive won't always be at the same state of acceptance of the current place they find themselves.
And this is where Lady Janon's quote above struck Me. I would say that the "real Domme" is already there. It's Her. Now. And that "real Domme" incorporates all the perceived hesitancy, the watching, waiting, and wanting . . . along with everything else that makes Her, Her. That makes us all what we are.
Does that imply that things never can or will change? Not at all. We are all on a continuum in this. We move along it, how and when we can, sometimes prodded to act, to move, by forces unnameable and incomprehensible, sometimes urged by those same forces to slow down, to consolidate, to ponder. One state has no less "realness" than the other. For Dominants, especially perceptive ones, it can be especially difficult since often We can feel, strongly, the submissives' desires to be pushed, challenged. And I know from personal experience the guilt that can accompany those feelings.
For Me, only a deep acceptance that I am where I must be, right now, and that My girls are too, gives Me the confidence, the calmness that I need to be Me. All of Me.
"As for me, pet has done a good job of chronicling all of our exploits. I can feel her, the real Domme, lurking beneath a surface, like a tiger behind a thin pane of glass. I just have to figure out how to break through. She paces back and forth, waiting, watching, wanting.
But the thin glass was a steel fortress months ago, so we've definitely come forward. And that is good."
Reading that made Me think of one of the "lectures" I've given My girls, oh, once or 200 times now. Namely, that we are, pretty much, exactly where we should be, at the moment. That simple statement, almost inane in its obviousness, is much more profound than it seems at first glance.
In D/s, perhaps more than in any other field of human endeavor, there's a tendency to worry about where we are versus where we've come to believe we should be. I am not sure if that is because the Internet has made so many people's adventures/stories/philosophies available to a wide readership, or to some factor inherent in the pursuit of D/s. Perhaps an arena where one party by definition gives up control to a greater or lesser degree and wants to be dictated to creates a natural self-imposed competition against some perceived ideal. I honestly don't understand all the underlying dynamics there.
Aspiring to an ideal isn't a bad thing in and of itself, of course. The submissive, hopefully, is geared towards "improving" him- or herself in his or her service and submission to the Dominant. And, certainly, while I can understand and even endorse the idea that there is some objective standard to be aspired to, however loosely defined, in the end each D/s relationship ends up being shaped by individual desires/history/limits etc.
And if that's the case, then we truly are right where we must be at any given moment. We can hardly be otherwise. Where the problems come in, as I see it, are in three areas:
1. Being happy with the fact that we are where we must be right now.
2. Understanding that temporary sidetracks and missteps are just that, temporary.
3. Realizing that the Dominant and the submissive won't always be at the same state of acceptance of the current place they find themselves.
And this is where Lady Janon's quote above struck Me. I would say that the "real Domme" is already there. It's Her. Now. And that "real Domme" incorporates all the perceived hesitancy, the watching, waiting, and wanting . . . along with everything else that makes Her, Her. That makes us all what we are.
Does that imply that things never can or will change? Not at all. We are all on a continuum in this. We move along it, how and when we can, sometimes prodded to act, to move, by forces unnameable and incomprehensible, sometimes urged by those same forces to slow down, to consolidate, to ponder. One state has no less "realness" than the other. For Dominants, especially perceptive ones, it can be especially difficult since often We can feel, strongly, the submissives' desires to be pushed, challenged. And I know from personal experience the guilt that can accompany those feelings.
For Me, only a deep acceptance that I am where I must be, right now, and that My girls are too, gives Me the confidence, the calmness that I need to be Me. All of Me.
A Simple Thing
Last week, I was talking to a girl and the subject got around to what had gone wrong between her and her former Mistress. One statement in her answer stuck with Me:
"i don't know -- She never seemed happy with me, was always displeased . . . "
That response got Me to thinking about how sometimes the smallest of things can have a huge impact. I don't know the girl's former Mistress, and I don't even know the girl all that well. What I do know of her is a polite, sweet, respectful girl. Not the sort of submissive with whom most Dommes would be "displeased" on a regular basis.
Now, perhaps the former Mistress had some very significant personal issues. Or maybe She simply lost sight of one of those simple things. In this case, one of the simplest of all: Being happy. And remembering to express that happiness.
D/s engages the emotions and the intellect, in numerous complex ways. As such it's easy to get caught up in that. And while that's often necessary -- a good Dom/me is always thinking, evaluating, considering -- it's just as necessary to stop and just take a deep breath and savor what it feels like to be the recipient of sincere submission and effort. We don't do it nearly often enough.
And, it feels to Me that We express that feeling to the other even more rarely. This is especially difficult because many submissives will not say that they need to hear it, because they are trying to be "good," or don't want to be perceived as overly needy. Thus the onus falls on the Dom/me to remember that the feedback, and not just the "corrective" feedback, is essential to the long-term emotional health of the submissive, and as a result to the health of the relationship as a whole.
It's so smiple . . . so almost corny, maybe, that We often let it slide. But so incredibly valuable. That very basic expression of One's overall happiness with the other: "you're a good girl (boy). you please Me well." Feeling it, expressing it, and hearing it, never gets old.
"i don't know -- She never seemed happy with me, was always displeased . . . "
That response got Me to thinking about how sometimes the smallest of things can have a huge impact. I don't know the girl's former Mistress, and I don't even know the girl all that well. What I do know of her is a polite, sweet, respectful girl. Not the sort of submissive with whom most Dommes would be "displeased" on a regular basis.
Now, perhaps the former Mistress had some very significant personal issues. Or maybe She simply lost sight of one of those simple things. In this case, one of the simplest of all: Being happy. And remembering to express that happiness.
D/s engages the emotions and the intellect, in numerous complex ways. As such it's easy to get caught up in that. And while that's often necessary -- a good Dom/me is always thinking, evaluating, considering -- it's just as necessary to stop and just take a deep breath and savor what it feels like to be the recipient of sincere submission and effort. We don't do it nearly often enough.
And, it feels to Me that We express that feeling to the other even more rarely. This is especially difficult because many submissives will not say that they need to hear it, because they are trying to be "good," or don't want to be perceived as overly needy. Thus the onus falls on the Dom/me to remember that the feedback, and not just the "corrective" feedback, is essential to the long-term emotional health of the submissive, and as a result to the health of the relationship as a whole.
It's so smiple . . . so almost corny, maybe, that We often let it slide. But so incredibly valuable. That very basic expression of One's overall happiness with the other: "you're a good girl (boy). you please Me well." Feeling it, expressing it, and hearing it, never gets old.
YouTube Tuesday: Anarchy in the UK
Tonight's clip: "Anarchy in the UK" by the Sex Pistols.
I certainly won't aruge that the Sex Pistols had any actual identifiable political leanings. They were a carefully manipulated and guided creation of Malcolm McClaren; "Anarchy" as a marketing concept -- one has to appreacite the irony there.
But sometimes, a thing takes on a life of its own, supercedes the designs of its creator(s), and becomes something entirely else. Did this song, or the Sex Pistols, bring about anything close to "Anarchy in the UK?" Obviously not. John Lydon became a pretty minor rock star. Sid Vicious died a lurid but in the end rather prosaic death. And yet, the Sex Pistols did come to represent the leading edge of something that changed rock music around definitively. And this song remains a powerful statement, even if the message is untenable, impossible, and inherently negative, and despite the fact that its genesis was driven by the classic music business motive: money.
I certainly won't aruge that the Sex Pistols had any actual identifiable political leanings. They were a carefully manipulated and guided creation of Malcolm McClaren; "Anarchy" as a marketing concept -- one has to appreacite the irony there.
But sometimes, a thing takes on a life of its own, supercedes the designs of its creator(s), and becomes something entirely else. Did this song, or the Sex Pistols, bring about anything close to "Anarchy in the UK?" Obviously not. John Lydon became a pretty minor rock star. Sid Vicious died a lurid but in the end rather prosaic death. And yet, the Sex Pistols did come to represent the leading edge of something that changed rock music around definitively. And this song remains a powerful statement, even if the message is untenable, impossible, and inherently negative, and despite the fact that its genesis was driven by the classic music business motive: money.
The Last Bit of Holiday Pie
The slice of life stuff.
It was a fun, not overly hectic holiday season. The extra time off from work was a welcome respite (the work situation, without going into much detail, is about to enter a difficult phase. I knew this before the holidays so I was grateful for the extra downtime before entering what promises to be a challenging stretch).
As is not My norm, I attended a New Year's Eve party. Which was a lot more fun than I'd anticipated. As a rule I hate New Year's Eve parties -- the forced joviality makes My skin crawl. But this party was a pleasant surprise . . . small enough to not be overwhleming, a lively but not out of control atmosphere, the chance to reconnect with some people I hadn't seen in a while and to meet a couple some new people. Plus, I looked great! (People said that before they got loaded, so I'm taking it as true). Getting dressed up for something other than work, a wedding, or a funeral, is fun. One forgets sometimes.
The past couple of months, up until about two weeks ago, was sort of a "down" period for Me. Physically I hadn't been feeling so wonderful, and over time that has an emotional/spiritual effect. Worse, I think it affected the girls to varying degrees. I am feeling much better lately, and I can feel that that's reflected in how I act. I see the positive effects in My girls, too. So that's a win-win-win-win. The constancy of their love and submission was a big factor in helping Me deal with the "down" period. When I tell people how lucky, how blessed, I am to have them, I can't be any more sincere. I only wish I had more and better words to express how I feel about them.
State of the Blog . . .
Tomorrow marks one year since I started this. I've had just shy of 38,000 visitors. Not overwhleming numbers, and certianly I'm no "blog star," but I'm happy with how things have progressed. I know of late that the adventures of Lenora X have dominated the entries. That's not neccessarily for lack of other things to write about, but more the fact that I have to go where I'm inspired, and right now the Domme Detective is where that is.
I guess I wouldn't mind more traffic but I just haven't had the time to get out there and link-whore properly. Maybe soon I'll work on that.
A couple of new links . . . Mimi's Place, and Miss Fran. mimi is a self-described "service-oriented non-masochistic bottom" who writes with a refreshing candor. Miss Fran is a Domme Who's pretty much just starting out. Both worth a look.
I am getting semi-bored with YouTube Tuesday. Some Tuesdays it feels like a chore. Not good. I may expand My range of sites I get videos from, or make it a more randomly-occurring feature.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and joyous holiday season and I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2007, in every sense. I'd also like to issue a sort of mass delurk invitation: Please, take a moment and leave a comment, if you read but never drop a line.
More soon. KAHTATUS. (That's -- "kisses and hugs to all the usual suspects"; I'd gotten a couple of questions about what KAHTATUS was.)
It was a fun, not overly hectic holiday season. The extra time off from work was a welcome respite (the work situation, without going into much detail, is about to enter a difficult phase. I knew this before the holidays so I was grateful for the extra downtime before entering what promises to be a challenging stretch).
As is not My norm, I attended a New Year's Eve party. Which was a lot more fun than I'd anticipated. As a rule I hate New Year's Eve parties -- the forced joviality makes My skin crawl. But this party was a pleasant surprise . . . small enough to not be overwhleming, a lively but not out of control atmosphere, the chance to reconnect with some people I hadn't seen in a while and to meet a couple some new people. Plus, I looked great! (People said that before they got loaded, so I'm taking it as true). Getting dressed up for something other than work, a wedding, or a funeral, is fun. One forgets sometimes.
The past couple of months, up until about two weeks ago, was sort of a "down" period for Me. Physically I hadn't been feeling so wonderful, and over time that has an emotional/spiritual effect. Worse, I think it affected the girls to varying degrees. I am feeling much better lately, and I can feel that that's reflected in how I act. I see the positive effects in My girls, too. So that's a win-win-win-win. The constancy of their love and submission was a big factor in helping Me deal with the "down" period. When I tell people how lucky, how blessed, I am to have them, I can't be any more sincere. I only wish I had more and better words to express how I feel about them.
State of the Blog . . .
Tomorrow marks one year since I started this. I've had just shy of 38,000 visitors. Not overwhleming numbers, and certianly I'm no "blog star," but I'm happy with how things have progressed. I know of late that the adventures of Lenora X have dominated the entries. That's not neccessarily for lack of other things to write about, but more the fact that I have to go where I'm inspired, and right now the Domme Detective is where that is.
I guess I wouldn't mind more traffic but I just haven't had the time to get out there and link-whore properly. Maybe soon I'll work on that.
A couple of new links . . . Mimi's Place, and Miss Fran. mimi is a self-described "service-oriented non-masochistic bottom" who writes with a refreshing candor. Miss Fran is a Domme Who's pretty much just starting out. Both worth a look.
I am getting semi-bored with YouTube Tuesday. Some Tuesdays it feels like a chore. Not good. I may expand My range of sites I get videos from, or make it a more randomly-occurring feature.
I hope everyone had a wonderful and joyous holiday season and I wish everyone a happy and prosperous 2007, in every sense. I'd also like to issue a sort of mass delurk invitation: Please, take a moment and leave a comment, if you read but never drop a line.
More soon. KAHTATUS. (That's -- "kisses and hugs to all the usual suspects"; I'd gotten a couple of questions about what KAHTATUS was.)
YouTube Tuesday: Multiplication Without Math
Tonight's video clip illustrates a neat trick for multiplying two numbers together that requires no actual math. Not exactly practical, necessarily, but fascinating . . . and strangely compelling.
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