
1. I hope everyone's summer is gearing up nicely. Summer here in the Northeast seems to flash by so quickly . . . I try hard to savor it.

2. I've not been a great blogworld citizen lately. I haven't been reading My link list a whole lot, and I know there are some now-dead links there. And a couple of once-regular reads have gone invite-only. Please, I need invites. If I can't see your blog I can't see your profile and that means I can't e-mail you to ask for said invite.

I will get caught up on My reading and get the link list in order. It is also time for a fresh round of link-whoring so I'll have to work that in at some point, too.

3. The writing projects are creeping along. The motivation is fairly low right now; it will return.

4. Tiggr, I have not ignored/discarded the interview questions you sent Me. I just haven't yet given Myself the time to sit down and address them in the thoughtful manner they deserve. I also will see what I can do about writing another Fantasy Friday story one of these days.

5. I hope everyone is doing really well, and getting what you each want/need out of life. I may not be reading as often as I should, but I'm thinking about you . . .


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