The End of the Beginning?

It's a couple of months later and still so little inspires Me in the way of "essay" material.

A big part of it, I know, is My reluctance to re-address topics Ive already written about. On the important topics in this lifestyle, My views haven't changed. And I've written them here. In situations where My view has changed, I've written about that.

But I need to bear in mind that in this rolling medium what's not on the front page is basically non-existent and make more of an effort to re-address certain important themes.

It is more that that, though. It feels like a more significant shift in My focus.

This is not the end of the blog. I love writing and publishing the fiction and this is as good a medium as any. That is why this post wasn't titled "The Beginning of the End?"; I have no intention of terminating this blog any time soon. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning in that the blog might become almost totally focused on the stories.

Of course, this could all be silly stuff. . . tomorrow I might hear some totally innocuous remark and spin a long think piece from it. And perhaps that changes My outlook on everything and essays start pouring out.

So maybe it's the middle of the beginning. Um, the early middle.


this girl said...

SO glad it's not the end of this blog! Whether stories or thought-provoking essays, Your writing is a delight and joy to read.

::will beg if necessary::

this girl

CZ said...

Ditto what this girl said! :)