The Thinking Blogger Award


The wonderful taylor tagged Me by awarding Me with a "Thinking Blogger Award." taylor wrote of Me: "Another absolutely fabulous writer, Lenora's blog is an addiction for me as well. Whether she's writing about lifestyle topics, or naughty fiction, or random articles about life, or even her critique of various music videos, she always has something intriguing to say. It's been an absolute pleasure to have found her blog in its early days and been able to follow it all along." Thank you so much, taylor . . . I'm honored.

The rules of the Thinking Blogger meme go like this:

"Should you choose to participate, please make sure you pass this list of rules to the blogs you are tagging. I thought it would be appropriate to include them with the meme. The participation rules are simple:

1. If, and only if, you get tagged, write a post with links to 5 blogs that make you think,

2. Link to this post so that people can easily find the exact origin of the meme,

3. Optional: Proudly display the 'Thinking Blogger Award' with a link to the post that you wrote (here is an alternative silver version if gold doesn't fit your blog)."

As you might imagine (or maybe you might not), the issue with these multi-branching memes is that one quickly runs out of suitable places to branch to. Four bloggers I would've given serious consideratoin to for this award have already been tagged, and their selections each have wiped out a big chunk of My pool of potential awardees. Subtract a few that are good candidates but currently on hiatus, and the field rapidly narrows.

So here goes. I am only going to tag two, to do My part to combat MEES (Meme Early Expiration Syndrome). In memes, less is more when it comes to tagging. Think of it as the "catch and release" of meme-ing.

1. desiree. So difficult to describe or classify, desiree's blog is an addiction that I can't put down. Even when I stay away for a while I'm always drawn back to her brutally honest depiction of herself, her circle, her life. And it's done with humor, wit, and insight.

2. Dirty Prom Queen. WryGirl's journey through marriage/separation/starting over. She manages in so few words to convey so much. Great reading that illustrates that so often, just life itself is the most compelling story.

Happy Easter, all. KAHTATUS.


WryGirl said...

Holy cripes, thanks!!!!

Ashok Kizhepat said...
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