YouTube Tuesday: Let Forever Be

Tonight's clip is the Chemical Brothers' "Let Forever Be."

I love this video . . . of course like most videos I like it went totally unnoticed (not sure it was ever played on MTV or VH-1), which is a real shame.

"Let Forever Be" so perfectly captures the dreams and daydreams we all have . . . the random thoughts and urges that come to us, waking and sleeping, the jumbled-up way things happen in dreams, and the way "reality" seems to often come on in bites too big to swallow.

"How does it feel like, to make it happening?
How does it feel like, to breathe with everything?
How does it feel like, to let forever be?"


engrailed said...


the cherub said...

I always loved that video so Sureal.

I played a number of time on Much Music but then on Much the accually play music videos unlike MTV. But they Had the CRTC on their backs so that made the difference.