Snow Day Musings

The predicted snowstorm actually came to pass, and is actually a bit worse than the forecasters predicted (which is rare -- the trend these days is for weather forecasters to irresponsibly overpredict snow amounts and storm severity, leading to the moron in the checkout line in front of Me having her cart stuffed with nine gallons of milk and 22 pounds of ground beef).

Anyway, I took the opportunity for a well-deserved, totally justified, cosmically-mandated snow day!

I've been visiting blogs on My link list. I'm making an effort to keep it clean, removing dead links, moving inactive blogs to the "Emeritus" section, etc. There is more work to do, however.

1. When you make your blog invite only, bear in mind that you are leaving no way for readers to reconnect with you. Is that really the intent? The net result is that I have to remove all these blogs from the list.

2. Some blogs I just have to get rid of. Their authors are either so clueless, so self-absorbed, so ridiculously full of themselves, or just so immensely self-important that deleting them from the link list seems the only reasonable choice.

Part of Me wants to call these people out, and in fact, I've come very close to leaving comments on those blogs from time to time, and I've started and then trashed several posts here addressing the topic. But confrontation serves no purpose -- the on-line universe is already too plagued with rants, call-outs, threats, and simple obnoxious stupidity for Me to add even one direct drop of venom to. Does anyone remember restraint? Self-editing? Simple manners?

The saddest part is that these delusional bloggers are all women. I'm sensing the world was better off when men had the monopoly on crass egotism. One more item to file under "Unintended Horrible Consequences of Feminism." Yikes, that file is getting gigantic! Oh well.

It's still snowing. Yay.


Anonymous said...


Unselfish dignity is very rare, but what a gem when found!


this girl said...

If You ever feel the need to call me out, correct, or what have you, please do so...honestly, i mean that. Sometimes people (ok, i mean me) will just go on blissfully not realizing the error or the bad path - not that i'm clueless, i hope!, but that guidance is welcome.

this girl

Lenora said...

this girl: Thanks for thinking of Me as One whose guidance you might seek. If I ever felt the need to call you out, rest assured it would be done in private and not in public.
Hoping all is well with you.
