
1. Still smoke-free! It's just about a month now. To be honest, I don't feel markedly better, or even different. But I'm glad I did it. And yes, I was (sadly) right about one thing. People STINK, and when you don't smoke you're completely open to exactly how much people stink. I am seriously considering carrying little department store spritz bottles with Me.

2. Daily visits to the blog hit a low about a month ago, coinciding with the latter stages of the long Lenora X story. Visits at that time were down to about 110 daily. Lately they are back up and in fact higher than ever, verging on 150 a day. I attribute this largely to adding a number of links to the link list . . . and, wonderfully, I got a bunch of links in return without any actual link-whoring! But I won't let serendipity throw Me off course -- link-whoring can and must continue.

3. The girls are fine, and their usual wonderful selves. They are a continual source of pride, joy, and inspiration to Me. I gladly repeat Myself to say that I love them, so incredibly much.

4. Judging by the comments and allowing for the typical ratio of readers to commenters, the erotic fiction seems well-received. Which is nice. I am not sure exactly how long and where "The Taking of anni" will go; contrary to usual practice I just sort of tossed Part I out there without having any grand plan in mind. The little snapshots of Miss and anni will continue at least for a bit . . .

5. I have another Lenora X story forming, and a more structured D/s-type story on the horizon as well. And the one "mini-erotica" post I did is the first of hopefully many; I enjoy the short-short form. With the long stories it's a matter of time, and "spacing" -- as I was explaining to someone recently, I find that when I'm doing a story it's difficult to stop and do normal blog posts. And I don't want this to become strictly a fiction blog. My goal is to have the three main things in the title banner -- essays, fiction, and slices of life -- is more or less equal balance. It's a work in a progress.

6. I hope that everyone out there is doing well and blessed with all the love and happiness that is possible in life. KAHTATUS.

P.S. Please don't make Me write another pathetic post about how no one e-mails Me! I'm certainly not above it but I'd really rather not. Do your part!


Anonymous said...

2. You may have been hit by Google's depreciation of most sexually themed blogs. It hit me and even people as famous as Susie Bright.

Google relaxed that several days ago and most of us have seen traffic jump back up.

Miss Carolyn said...

I am so proud of you for hitting the one month mark of being a non smoker, that really is awesome. Keep it up : )

Destiny and her pet chance said...

chance and I have quit three times in the last few months and still fighting I am smoking. I have such a love hate relationship with cigarettes.

Congrats to you, it is without a doubt a very difficult thing to do and one that you should be very proud of yourself for.


MasterMarc said...

You have done well. This is something I need to do, soon I will have no choice.
For you, I give you strong congratulations, you have made it this far, dont turn back now!