Two Items

1. If you click on the Lenora's Fiction link over on the sidebar, you'll see a new Index page, from which you can navigate to either the Lenora X detective stories or the category loosely termed "erotic fiction," where currently The Taking Of anni and the mini-erotica stories reside. Eventually the Planet of the Blondes story posts will find their way there too. (I know to this point that Planet of the Blondes isn't showing much in the way of "erotic," but trust Me, it's getting there.)

The new pages, as always, are the work of the lovely and talented tasha, who does a wonderful job, always. And it's not an easy job, trying to figure out what I actually mean by My vague statements about what I want, patiently explaining what can and can't work in a given graphical space, and somehow translating it all into the perfect visual representation of what I was thinking. Beautiful job, tasha . . . thank you again.

2. That two episodes of Planet of the Blondes have been posted without registering a single comment to this point touches on a point that is an ongoing source of frustration for Me.

Certainly I understand not leaving comments here there and everywhere -- I've written here, despite My joking (joking, really!) about link-whoring, about how I often write out a comment, edit it, then reconsider and end up not leaving it, feeling it was somehow unnecessary.

I am beginning to reconsider that stance, honestly. While I'm not looking for universal and total acceptance and agreement and appreciation of everything I write here, it can get to feeling lonely, sometimes. So, as a public service, start leaving more comments. And I promise to do the same, worrying less about how "necessary" it is and a little more about letting the author know that what I read inspired Me to say something. I very well might have been wrong in my previous stance . . . now, if I could just find the time to read all the blogs I want to read.


saratoga said...


Ah, yes. funny, that irony, eh? Because I distinctly recall you relating your stance to me, explaining why I almost never see comments from you.

Oddly, tho, I think fiction is almost less commentable. Rather than advance an idea, concept, or opinion, it entertains.

I have probably received more comments from you on my other blogs than my FemDom one.

That said, I like the first two pieces of this new series.




Tiggs said...

Commenting to stories can easily sound routine... "nice story," "liked that scene," "hot sex," "even hotter spanking,", "next please"...

But so can commenting in general... maybe a good rule of thumb is that if the post or story incites you to feel something or think something or act or react or ponder in some way, then say so... that simple.

We can ALL take a lesson from that, to be sure. By the way, I love your writing... please don't ever feel lonely!


Sue said...

Sorry. Not commenting much anywhere. Just feeling grumpy and lonely, and feeling like nobody needs to hear from me. I'm enjoying the stories, and I almost never fail to check in here. Should probably at least say "hi." Thanks for being here and being a steady place.


CZ said...

I'm still checking in, and like swan, not commenting much anywhere. For me, when I'm struggling with anything, I withdraw, I end up feeling like I don't have anything worthwhile to say to anyone, and I've been in that "not worthwhile" bit for a long time now. I apologize.. I love what you write and I do read every single post. I'll try and at least say hello a bit more.

Lenora said...

Thank you all for your comments . . . and honestly, I can understand the not feeling up to commenting part. And while it shoudn't matter as much as it does, it really does provide that tangible proof that people have been reading, and as such, it's so valuable even if the comment itself isn't what one thinks is brillaint and/or wonderfully insightful.

That's partially what's causing Me to revist My stance on how much or little I comment.

I value every one that I get. Thanks again.


Anonymous said...

You're one of my favorite spots, the place i check at least daily. my life has been full of work and extraordinary events, leaving me little chance to post - on my own blog or as a commenter on others'. Just wanted to know You're valued, way beyond 'link whore' status...