
Link confusion: For a long time I've had a link to a blog by Goddess Aradia, entitled "Goddess Aradia," straightforwardly enough. But there's another blog, also by Goddess Aradia, entitled "The Realm of Goddess Aradia." These aren't the same two people (it seems clear), and I'm not sure which one I thought I was linking to. "Goddess Aradia" hasn't been updated since April, so perhaps it's fallen by the wayside. In any event, I've added the link to The Realm of Goddess Aradia.

Normalcy: Adjusting to the loss of sorceress hasn't been so easy . . . but I am doing all right. That she and I have talked, and do talk, regularly, has been a big help. And the good wishes and concern and support expressed here and elsewhere have been a big help too. My thanks to everyone.

Sitemeter/State of the Blog: Nearing 12,000 visits now, with a pretty steady average of 75-100 visits, most days. Thanks to all My readers.

Overall, I'm pretty happy with the blog . . . it's always a struggle to balance the theoretical/think posts with the more slice of life things, becasue, well, not that much happens to Me (kidding! really!) . . . honestly, there are so many talented and funny writers who that sort of thing so well, I'm better off plowing a different field.


Anonymous said...

Dear Ms. Lenora --- Goddess Aradia who maintains the Blog known as The Realm of Goddess Aradia also owns a fabulous Message Board called Female Led Relationships. You may find it enjoyable. It can be found at: http://www.female-led-relationships.com/forum/index.php/
--- fd

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