A Reminder

I got an e-mail from saratoga this morning in which he shared some comments he'd received from a reader of his blog. he was sharing the comments with Me because he was astounded, pleasantly so, at the degree to which his blog seems to have had a very real influence in changing this particular reader's life.

It was a good reminder to get. Often, I fall into the trap of wondering if anyone's out there. I've written before about how what I think is a very heady, deep, rich, post will garner no comments and a little fluff piece or a picture will get several. saratoga's e-mail reminds Me that the power exists in the ability to put one's thoughts out there and have them instantly accessible all over the world, and not necessarily in the feedback one gets. There is an "iceberg" effect . . . some readers will comment or e-mail, but that doesn't mean that those who don't comment weren't touched, made to think, etc. And that latter group is the much larger contingent.


nina said...


There is certainly a schism when it comes to blogging, but never think your words don't touch many.


Lenora said...


Huggs . . . thank you very much.


Anonymous said...

Your blog touches many who haven't posted, such as me! i really liked Your piece on intimacy.

none said...

i'm certainly reading your blog too and i know the feeling of doubt concerning an audience. Ultimately my blog is for my Mistress and myself - it helps clarify my thinking. i know that She is reading it, anyone else is a bonus.