YouTube Tuesday: Pancakes

Tonight's video exemplifies some of the best of what youtube can be: An outlet for creative people, with little or no budget, no connections, with basically a camera and an idea. A way for one's creativity to be seen and appreciated by a wide audience, financial gain or motivation aside.

This is a very clever, cute little video about, well, making pancakes. I have no idea about the song -- I'm assuming that the video's author created the music as well.

My only little quibbles are that what ends up being made in this video I'd call a crepe as opposed to a pancake, and well . . . Nutella? There is something deeply weird and vaguely disturbing about Nutella.


Anonymous said...

hahaha! fantastic! I loved every second of it!

Anonymous said...

I don't even know what Nutella is. And lemons?? That's just weird.

Neat video though. :-)


Lenora said...

Nutella, I gather, is a hazelnut spread . . .