The Spiritual Aspects, an Introduction

I've hinted at and talked around some of the "spritual" underpinnings of My way of going about D/s in a few entries. I haven't addressed them directly because 1) they are difficult to write about coherently, 2) concrete examples by definition aren't there, 3) I doubt it would be of much value to the most readers, given how personal and unique and deeply held these things are for everyone, and 4) one often ends up sounding like one is talking in circles about two paragraphs in.

But there are things that perhaps have some broad appeal/value.

One is that I see D/s as uniquely spiritual, in a way that few other human endeavors are, because is touches upon the barrier between what we present and waht we really are but hold to ourselves. It pushes hard on that barrier. Over time, most of us have found ways to make that barrier either very hard, but brittle, or flexible but highly resilient. In either situation, to press, crack, break that barrier creates profound, execpected effects. One of which is a glimpse of the unthinkably large arena that is human possibility, something in us that blazes and soars when freed from that necessary but limiting barrier.

D/s also pushes on the natural barrier between what is physical and what is spiritual. Which is a not as good of saying that is gets to the heart of the matter -- the complete exploration of the known, the venture into the unknown, and the realization, fully, that the only true barrier is the unknowable. (Am I talking in circles yet? You were warned LOL.)

That full exploration of the known, is paradoxically one of the most exciting, challenging, rearranging, scary, thrilling, mind-blowing experiences there is. It seems mundane, especially when compared one is consumed with the unknown and all the romance and fear that looms there, so seemingly close, when in reality exploring the known in all its complexities is just as powerful (and necesary) a step as any other.

How and why that is, and in fact must be so, is another installment.


Lenora said...

I'm not going to delete this comment, even though it feels spammish.

Suffice it to say that spirtuality for Me isn't found in any organization or church or anything of the kind. I woudn't presume to judge anyone else's spirituality, however. That said, this area is for the exhange of ideas relating to what's posted here.

saratoga said...

You have much more patience than I. For the reason in Your last sentence, not for any judgement of the site in question, I would have deleted this.

I do it all the time on my professional site.

Josh said...

very well put. now if i can only find a Domme that feels the same way.