Spiritual Aspects, Part 1: Fully Exploring the Known (1)

I write last time about how addressing the spiritual aspect of D/s, for Me, starts with a complete exploration of the known, the commonplace, the seemingly mundane.

The reason I take this approach is that what we think is commonplace actually isn't commonplace or simple at all; becasue it's become routine we have assigned to a less important place in our minds, especailly when we think about it in comparison to the unkown/spiritual, which we regard (rightly) as mysterious and magical. In short, familiarity breeds, if not contempt, at least disinterest.

But it turns out that what we are, in the everyday, mundane, familiar sense, is the product of just as mysterious and magical process. That we are largely not aware of that fact doesn't matter. One thing that the Dom/me must do, in order to guide the other to the unknown, if to first help the submissive realize that this mysterious process has taken place. Of course, that presupposes that the Dom/me is aware of this fact, too . . . by no means a given.

And what exactly do I mean by all this, anyway? What is this "process" that's taken place, and what does it mean to "fully explore the known?"

It means a thorough examination/discovery of who we are, and why we are/act the way we are/act. This can be tedious. More often on top of that it's scary, and extrmeemly uncomfortable. And not always a lot of fun for the Dom/me, either.

Given all that, why bother? More soon.

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