Random conversations

When you run a room . . . they happen. Well, they happen to Me, at any rate.

Someone did a drive-by our room last night . . . twice. The person in question has come in before, and actually stayed for a little while, once or twice.

So last night, after the second drive-by . . . I PM the person . . . it goes something like this: (name has been changed)

Me: why the drive-by?
rawhide: which room?
Me: #Enchanted_Palms

(Hmmm, OK . . . this person must do a LOT of drivebys to not be sure WHICH room it was, 2 minutes after the fact.)

Me: you drove by TWICE tonight.
rawhide: no one was talking.

(I go and check the channel. And burst out laughing, because . . . )

Me: Ummm, you were in the room for FOUR SECONDS!

(FOUR SECONDS! What was supposed to happen in four seconds to grab rawhide's attention?)

rawhide: yeah, i'm funny that way. if no one's talking, i split.

(I can barely see the screen, I"m laughing so hard, but I manage: )

Me: Well, four seconds . . . people were still typing 'hello rawhide' when you left.

You never know where the head-scratchers and the laughs are going to come from. Thank goodness for random conversations.

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