Lessons Are Everywhere

I was talking to sorceress last night about how her day at work had gone. she'd had a great day; she was able to concentrate all of her efforts on a thing that had been bugging her for a long time, and solved it brilliantly. she felt energized, relieved, competent. In short, her day was a total success. she contrasted this with so many other ways where everything seems to pull her in a million different directions, nothing seemsto actually seen from start to finish, and she ends up feeling, in some way, "not good enough."

she then was musing about how much she could get done if every day could be like that.

I pointed out . . . that if she were to sit down and objectively write down a list of ALL the things that could potentially make a given day a bad day, she would find that at the very most, 10% of them were within her control. So many things can conspire to result in her having a less than productive day, and she really can't control any of them, other than getting enough sleep at night and coming to work with her head on straight.

So . . . where's the lesson here?

OK. One of the things I am always saying . . . is:

Not everything that happens to a submissive is about the submissive.

Not to stretch the analogy to the breaking point, but, submission is like most jobs in that in the end, all you can control is your effort. Results are affected by a myriad of factors, many unknown, some unknowable. To be at peace with that fact is a major accomplishment, both in the workplace and in D/s.

Now, the funny part of this is that I didn't see the lesson was there while I was talking with sorceress. It only occurred to Me today, so I didn't make the connection to her about it last night. Good thing she reads this blog!

1 comment:

tasha{L} said...

Last night, when i said i had a great day, most people would have said something like “that’s wonderful” and gone on with the conversation to other things. But not You, Mistress. You saw it as an opportunity to teach me new ways to see how things work in life. i was thrilled with the new insight that discussion gave me and reflected on the concepts You talked about all day today.

Now i come home after a much more normal day, with constant interruptions and not nearly as much accomplished and read in Your blog that there’s even more to be learned from simply having a great day. The depth of Your understanding of how life and D/s works, and Your ability to teach and guide me on the whole journey never ceases to amaze me. Thank You Mistress. i’m in awe of You and feel so lucky to be Yours.