Pitchers and Catchers Report!


Pitchers and catchers are reporting . . . in a couple of weeks, spring training games will begin.

This mere fact lifts My spirits and signals the death-knell for winter. It may still be cold here, we may have more snowstorms yet, but psychologically, it's the beginning of the end. Just as the players trickle to the warmth of Florida and Arizona to begin to the long, beautiful ritual that defines the American summer, My thoughts too, slowly turn towards the light . . . and to the restless anticipation, the warming optimism that is the beginning of baseball season.

It is a glorious time. The weak winter sunlight is an illusion . . . the earth is stirring, waking from its winter doldrums. The squirrels chatter to the squawking birds hardy enough to have stayed around . . . the ultimate renewal, both in the air in My heart, is at hand. Everything is gradually quickening, rising to the silent pull of the coming change.



Anonymous said...

In England, we can begin to think and feel similarly. My friend and I from the club, checked out the fuel for the mowing machines over the weekend. In six to eight weeks, we shall need to cut the outfield. The Cricket Season will be upon us.........

rivka said...

I love football, but baseball is definitely my secondary choice. *g*

Although, I must admit that this last World Series just aggravated the fire out of me.